Period Brain Fog Before, During & After Your Period

Period Brain Fog Before, During & After Your Period

What is period brain fog?

Do you feel more forgetful or in a fog as your period approaches?  You are not alone. Period brain fog is more common than you may think. While period brain fog is most commonly associated with PMS or premenstrual syndrome, it may be associated with other causes as well. Brain fog refers to feeling sluggish, forgetful, or indecisive before and during your period. Tracking your period may help you to better understand your cycle and the symptoms associated with the onset of your period. If you experience brain fog, have no fear, there are tips to manage your period brain fog, and we will discuss them below. But first, let's discuss different reasons you may experience brain fog.

Why do I get brain fog before my period?

Hormonal imbalance

More research is needed on this subject, but it is thought that a rise and fall in hormones like estrogen and progesterone can contribute to brain fog before your period.


Anemia is a condition in which there is a decrease in the amount of healthy red blood cells to give you oxygen throughout your body. It also causes iron deficiency. During the time of your period, it is possible to experience more symptoms associated with anemia because of the blood loss during your period. Women with anemia often experience brain fog, lack of energy, and dizzy spells.

Insomnia or sleeping issues

Before your period, it can be especially important to prioritize a good night’s sleep. Let’s face it, when we don’t get good sleep, we have trouble memorizing things, concentrating, and staying alert at times. 

Anxiety and Depression

We all experience hardships in our life that may cause anxiety or depression. For some women, anxiety and depression can intensify during their period, this is called premenstrual exacerbation (PME). Feeling anxious or depressed consumes a lot of energy because your brain is working in overdrive to process your intrusive thoughts. Anxiety and depression may cause you to experience fatigue and brain fog. 


The food and vitamins you consume play an important role in your energy levels. Your body uses a lot of energy when preparing for your monthly period. It is important to maintain a proper diet full of protein and Omega-3s to help your body get the extra energy and nutrients you need. If you have an insufficient diet, then you may feel fatigued, sluggish, or experience brain fog.

Tips to manage period brain fog

Improve sleeping habits

During the week leading up to your period, it is common to have trouble sleeping due to the drops in hormones. Try different sleeping strategies to find out what works best for you and helps you get the restful sleep you need. Some people find it helpful to put away their electronic devices and sub for a book instead. Maybe you would enjoy a nice relaxing bath to help you relax for a slumber. Whatever sleeping habit you choose, getting proper sleep is important.

Manage stress

Stress may worsen before and during your period. Proper relaxation techniques may reduce your anxiety and stress. Some women find it helpful to do yoga, meditation, or a spa day. Whatever your stress reliever may be, you should see an improvement in your overall energy and brain fog.


Oftentimes when we are on our period, we simply feel like we have no energy to exercise. However, regular exercise is essential to living a healthy lifestyle.  Research has shown that women who exercise throughout their cycle may be less likely to develop premenstrual symptoms. There are many benefits to exercising during your period, such as:

  • Decreased cramping 
  • Less fatigue
  • Reduced brain fog
  • Alleviate bloating

The amount of exercise does not have to be strenuous. Any time of exercise, such as walking for 30 minutes a day, has been shown to help with many medical issues.


Eat healthy

Caring for your body doesn’t stop at exercise, it is just as important to have a good healthy diet coupled with exercise. Your body needs healthy fats such as fish, beans, and red meat. Also, stay hydrated and avoid sugary drinks. It is essential to stay hydrated during your period due to the amount of blood loss. Blood loss may cause dehydration. 

Other foods that are important during your period include: 
  • Fiber-rich foods
  • Roasted or baked vegetables 
  • Iron-rich foods 
  • Herbal tea 
  • Turmeric 

Tips to planning for your period

Every month our periods come and go, and our hormones are like a rollercoaster at your favorite amusement park. They are always preparing for that next big drop before your period begins. So, if our hormones are preparing for the first day of our cycle, so should you. Many women find it helpful to create a period kit to keep in their bag for when they get their period. Let’s be honest, sometimes, even period trackers can’t guess the exact day. A good period kit may include: 

  • Period underwear
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Pain reliever
  • Baby wipes in case there isn’t tissue nearby 
Shop our collection of leakproof period underwear to be prepared for all kinds of leaks, day or night. Our period underwear comes in different absorbances and styles. With enhanced protection and comfort, you can feel a little more normal as you manage your period. 


Health. Brain Fog Before My Period: Is It PMS or Something Else?,happen%2C%20such%20as%20hormone%20fluctuations

Medical News Today. What is premenstrual exacerbation?


Nutrisense. Period Brain Fog: What's the Science?

MDPI. Premenstrual Syndrome and Exercise: A Narrative Review,

Care Hospitals. Which Foods to Eat and Avoid During Your Period,,improve%20digestion%20and%20reduce%20bloating

Cycles. First Period: Starter Kit,

Health Match. Period Insomnia: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment,

National Institutes of Health. Prior Stress Could Worsen Premenstrual Symptoms,

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