Laughing so hard you cry is one of the best feelings. Laughing so hard you pee your pants … not so much. It’s a famous catchphrase because it happens more often than you think. If you leak a little urine when you sneeze, laugh, or even cough, you are not alone! Bladder leaks, also known as stress urinary incontinence, occur in over half of women in the United States, especially in women who have previously given birth. Many factors increase your possibility of developing bladder leaks. However, there are many ways to nip those bladder leaks and manage the symptoms so you won’t be afraid to get a case of the giggles.
Why do I pee when I laugh?
Peeing while laughing can result from stress being placed on your pelvic floor muscles. This occurrence is known as stress urinary incontinence. This is because our pelvic floor muscles support the bladder and nearby organs. When you laugh, it causes a sudden burst of pressure on your bladder, which causes your bladder to leak. To better understand stress urinary incontinence, we need to understand what causes weakened pelvic floor muscles. There are a number of things that may cause a weakened pelvic floor, including:
- Giving birth
- High impact Exercise
- Age
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Constipation
- Menopause
Is it normal to pee when you laugh hard?
It is perfectly normal if you find yourself laughing and some urine leaks out. Stress urinary incontinence is more common than you may assume. In fact, one in three women may experience it at any point in their adulthood. About 4 in 10 women over the age of 65 experience bladder leaks while sneezing, laughing, or coughing. Although it may be no laughing matter (sorry, we had to), know that you are not alone, and there are ways to reduce urinary stress incontinence and manage the symptoms.
How do I stop peeing when I laugh?
Kegel Exercises
Kegels have quickly become a woman's best friend because of all their proven benefits on our pelvic floor. In addition, Kegels are easy to do and may be done virtually anywhere you have a minute to spare. Doctors recommend that women do Kegels every day to strengthen their pelvic floor. The goal is to do three sets of Kegels, each containing 10 to 15 contractions each time.
Avoid spicy and Acidic foods
Although an order of chicken wings at happy hours is basically the best thing ever, they may adversely affect your bladder. Weird, right? Spicy or acidic foods are known to irritate the lining of your bladder and contribute to bladder leaks. Instead of choosing acidic drinks, opt out for water instead. Hydration is not only good for your body, but it is suitable for cleansing out your bladder as well. Don't drink too much water; a full bladder adds pressure and may increase bladder. A fine line to walk, but you should be able to find a balance that works for you.
Pelvic floor therapy
Physical therapists have increased in popularity as an alternative to modern-day medication and surgery. They offer customized treatment programs to help women with stress urinary incontinence and help cure or reduce the condition. Different programs, such as strengthening your core, behavior modification, and bladder retraining exercises, are offered. In addition, it is common for physical therapists to focus on other parts of your pelvic floor, such as your hips and surrounding muscles. This is because your hips and pelvis are close to your pelvic floor and help provide proper support to your pelvic muscles. It is not enough to go to the gym and do ab workouts to strengthen your pelvic floor. It would be best if you did proper exercises with a therapist in conjunction with Kegels for the best treatment.
Train your bladder
Bladder training is a common treatment for those with stress bladder incontinence. Bladder training is a way to retrain your bladder by changing your urination habits. Bladder training provides many benefits, such as:
- Decreasing the frequency of bathroom use.
- Increase the amount of urine your bladder may hold.
- Putting you in control of being able to hold your urine when you feel the urge to urinate.
Another beneficial technique is to schedule bathroom trips. It is a lot like potty training except as an adult. Set various times that you are planning on using the restroom. This means that you use the bathroom at designated times regardless of feeling the urge to go or not. Bladder training takes a minimum of 3 weeks to notice an improvement.
Tips for managing unexpected bladder leaks
Our leakproof underwear is designed to protect against all kinds of leaks. Designed with Leak-Loc® technology, our period underwear is designed to keep you dry and confident, day or night. Our absorbent lining allows you to laugh, sneeze, jump, and play without the worry of leaks. Trust in our technology and moisture-wicking materials, because they have your back. Our leakproof underwear is buttery soft, and made to look and feel just like your basics, but made better.
Shop Proof®
Proof® leakproof underwear is designed for all types of leaks, and is machine washable and reusable. Be sure to follow our care instructions to ensure you get the maximum life span out of your underwear.
Wrapping up
It is not always easy to run to the bathroom when you are out and about, and leaks may happen when you are not prepared. Remember, stress urinary incontinence may be common, but you do not have to suffer in silence. Contact your doctor if your at home treatment is not providing you your wanted results, and know that we’ve got your back.
Mayo Clinic. Is urine incontinence normal for women?
Kegal8. Symptoms and Cause of Weak Pelvic Floor Muscles.,
Poise. Female Incontinence,
National Institutes of Health. Maternal Morbidity & Mortality Web Portal,,and%20older%20have%20urinary%20incontinence
Mayo Clinic. Kegel exercises: A how-to guide for women,
NHS. 10 Ways To Stop Leaks,
Maiden Lane Medical. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction,,body%27s%20core%20strength%20and%20stability
NY Times. Every Woman Can Benefit From This Pelvic Floor Workout,
Family Doctor. Bladder Training for Urinary Incontinence,