Why do I leak a little after peeing?
If you struggle with a little leakage after you’ve used the bathroom, you’re not alone. When your bladder does not completely empty while urinating and leaks afterward, this can be known as overflow incontinence. Overflow incontinence can also explain a regularly overfull bladder that leaks urine. There are various types of urinary incontinence, and one in three Americans experience some type of incontinence. For a personalized diagnosis, visit your doctor. In the meantime, you can try to connect the dots. Overflow incontinence can be caused by things such as conditions that affect nerves, blockages, weak muscles (such as the pelvic floor), or certain medicines. While men and women can experience overflow incontinence, it’s more likely to occur in men. In the female category, women are more likely to develop some type of incontinence issue as they age or during pregnancy or after childbirth. It can also be caused by hormonal changes such as menopause.
Is it normal to leak urine after peeing?
One in three Americans experience some type of incontinence. The normal function of the bladder is to hold urine, until it becomes full. Then, you pee. Those who can’t empty the bladder all the way while urinating, or experience an overfull bladder, can suffer from overflow incontinence. Overflow incontinence can cause you to leak urine even after peeing.
Causes of a leaky bladder
Commonly, minor urine leaks happen. However, some may experience these leaks more often. You might be starting to wonder what exactly is causing your bladder to leak. The answer might be simple, or it might not be. Women that are pregnant or have given birth, and or those going through menopause may be more likely to experience a leaky bladder. It’s best to consult your doctor for a personalized diagnosis.
Here are some signs that can help confirm you’re experiencing some type of urinary incontinence. . .
- Strong sensation to urinate, leaving you rushing to the bathroom.
- Bladder leaks during exercise.
- Bladder leaks that are interfering with your daily life.
- Bladder or urine leaks after sneezing, laughing, coughing, or anything else that puts pressure on the bladder.
- Bladder leaks that began after an event such as surgery, and persist.
- Feeling wet without feeling the need to urinate.
- Lingering sensation to urinate after peeing.
Regardless of what’s causing bladder leaks, learning how to manage them and protect against leaks can help you keep going. The bladder leak may be out of your control, but tips for managing it are within your control. Let’s explore ways to manage urinary incontinence or bladder leaks to keep you dry, comfortable, and confident, day or night.
How do I stop leaking after urination?
Talk to your doctor about the recommended treatments based on your situation and diagnosis. Here are a few ways to help prevent bladder leaks that can also promote a healthier lifestyle all around.
- Pelvic floor exercises: Kegel or pelvic floor exercises are a good preventative measure, whether bladder leaks are present or not. These exercises strengthen the pelvic floor. Some are simple enough to be done at home, while others may require equipment.
- Manage your weight: Carrying extra weight can take a toll on your pelvic floor muscles and body. It can also put pressure on the fatty tissue on your bladder and cause leaks. Speak to your doctor about a healthy weight and weight loss plan.
- Stay hydrated: We know what you’re thinking. . . but then I will urinate more. Staying hydrated can help your bladder continue to function, whereas not drinking enough water can interrupt its function.
When should you see a doctor?
Make an appointment with your primary care provider if you're embarrassed by urine leakage, and or you avoid important activities because of it. The urge to urinate often, the urge to urinate without urine coming out, or anything other bladder-related issues affecting your quality of life should be discussed with your doctor.
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