Why is My Period So Heavy?

Why is My Period So Heavy?

The world of menstruation can be confusing, frustrating, and strange at times. It’s natural to question what is going on and why, especially when things aren’t as they usually are. Our bodies are all different so what you might experience during your period, might be different from what another woman experiences. With the average menstrual cycle lasting about 28 days, with the first day being the first full flow day, cycles can vary. 

Ultimately, if you have concerns, you should talk to your doctor, but researching for solutions in the meantime is wise. 

One of the best solutions for period protection during a heavy flow is period underwear. It can be worn for standalone protection or as a backup. Our heavy period underwear can hold up to 4 regular tampons and our overnight period underwear can hold up to 9 regular tampons. 

Learning about periods and your body is empowering. While we can learn a lot from doctors, we truly are our own best advocates. Pay attention to what your body tells you and speak up when you think something is out of the ordinary. 

Keep reading to find out what might be causing a heavy flow and how to manage it.

Why is my period heavier than usual this month?

One particularly heavy period among periods of regular intensity is usually nothing to panic about. It can be caused by stress, hormonal changes, a change in medication or birth control, diet, or intensity of exercise.

What does a heavy period look like?

Everyone has different versions of what a “heavy flow” feels and looks like. For some, a heavy first day might mean that they need to change their protection more often, while others, it means they are changing their protection as often as every 2 hours or less. The key is determining when a heavy period is in fact, too heavy. Because a heavy period can be completely normal.

How heavy is too heavy for a period?

27% to 54% of people who menstruate, report experiencing heavy bleeding. If menstrual bleeding is interfering with your daily life, you should see your doctor. 

If heavy bleeding lasts more than 7 days, and you’ve been changing your protection every few hours, you might be experiencing menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding.

What do blood clots during a period mean?

What do blood clots during a period mean?

It’s common to pass small blood clots during your period as they are a natural part of the body’s defense system. Think about when you get a cut, and the blood clots together. . . defense mechanism.

During your period, blood clots can occur with a heavier flow when blood starts to clump together.  They’re a mixture of blood cells, tissue from the uterus lining, and proteins in the blood.  If you notice blood clots larger than a quarter in size frequently, along with other symptoms such as pain, you should contact your doctor.

What Causes A Heavy Period?

What Causes A Heavy Period?

Noticing your period is unusually heavy means you are paying attention. While sometimes it might be impossible to  miss, other times, it might just be slightly heavier than normal. Either way, it’s important to pay attention to your body and what it’s telling you. While heavy periods can be normal, sometimes they are caused by something. 

  • Hormonal imbalance: Estrogen and progesterone are two important hormones during your cycle. They control the buildup of the lining of the uterus, which is shed, hence your period. If the hormones are imbalanced, your lining can become too thick and lead to heavy menstrual bleeding. 
  • Medication: Medications, including birth control, can impact your flow. 
  • Pregnancy complications: One heavy and late period can be the result of a miscarriage. Another cause that can occur during pregnancy is an unusual location of the placenta. Even if you experience just one heavy period, you might want to speak to your doctor. 
  • Uterine polyps: These small, benign growths on the uterus’ lining may contribute to heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Dysfunctional ovaries: Ovaries are supposed to, but don’t always, release an egg during ovulation. If an egg is not released during a cycle, the hormone progesterone can be thrown off, causing a hormonal imbalance. The end game can be a heavy period.

    Does a heavy period mean you are more fertile?

    Does a heavy period mean you are more fertile?

    There doesn’t appear to be any link between the heaviness of your periods and your fertility level. However, many underlying causes of heavy bleeding can lead to an inability to get pregnant: issues like a hormone imbalance, uterine polyps or fibroids, endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease, so the reverse is actually more likely to be true. If you have any other symptoms besides a heavy period, it may be worth asking for further investigation from your doctor to address your concerns.

    When should I be concerned about a heavy period?

    If periods or symptoms of periods are impacting your daily life, you should consult your doctor. Other reasons to talk to your doctor include cycles changing, periods lasting longer than 8 days, heavy bleeding for more than 7 days, bleeding after sexual intercourse, and so forth. There are no rules about when to talk to your doctor, as they are always there to help. Speak up about concerns and remember, periods are a normal part of life. While it might seem uncomfortable to talk about your period, it can feel better to say it than to not say it.

    How can I stop a heavy period?

    While certain remedies can help slow your flow, managing it should be at the forefront of your focus. Here are some ways to manage a heavy period: 

    • Eat vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables, as they help your blood clot (such as strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes, and peppers)
    • Eat more iron or take an iron supplement (iron occurs in beans, tofu, and spinach, as well as meat)
    • Wear period underwear as standalone protection or a backup. Letting go of the worry of leaks can help you forget about how heavy your flow it. Shop Proof® today!

    Heavy periods can be well. . . heavy. Shop Proof® for period underwear made with Leak-Loc® technology, designed to pull moisture away from the body and lock leaks in. With styles you love like thongs and lace cheeky panties and no show edges, your period can be your best kept secret. Shop our heavy and super-heavy absorbencies for heavy periods.


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    UpToDate. Patient Education: Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) (Beyond the Basics), https://www.uptodate.com/contents/heavy-or-prolonged-menstrual-bleeding-menorrhagia-beyond-the-basics/print#:~:text=Antifibrinolytic%20medicines%20%E2%80%94%20Antifibrinolytic%20medicines%2C%20such,helping%20the%20blood%20clotting%20system.&text=Side%20effects%20can%20include%20headache%20and%20muscle%20cramps%20or%20pain


    Better Health Channel. Menstrual Cycle, https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/menstrual-cycle


    Better Health Channel. Heavy Periods, https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/heavy-periods


    Nemours Teen Health. All About Periods, https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/menstruation.html


    Medical News Today. What Causes A Sudden Heavy Period?, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/sudden-heavy-period


    Shelnut Gynecology. Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Heavy Periods, https://www.shelnuttobgyn.com/blog/why-you-shouldnt-ignore-heavy-periods


    Mayo Clinic. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/menorrhagia/symptoms-causes/syc-20352829#:~:text=When%20hormones%20are%20out%20of,which%20also%20is%20called%20PCOS

    Medical News Today. Pregnancy Loss or Period? How To Tell, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/pregnancy-loss-or-period


    Repro Med. Do Heavy Periods Affect My Fertility, https://repromed.ie/do-heavy-periods-affect-my-fertility/#:~:text=While%20heavy%20periods%20can%20be%20a%20nuisance%2C%20they%20typically%20do,affect%20fertility%20in%20other%20ways


    Medical News Today. Are Blood Clots Normal During a Period?, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322707

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